
3. Let’s do a quiz about the USA. Choose the correct answer and read the complete sentences. Get 1 score for each correct sentence!

1. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in ... .
a) 1292
b) 1492
c) 1692

2. When the USA was born, there were ... states in it.
a) 13
b) 35
c) 50

3. In 1812 Americans had a war with ... .
a) France
b) Great Britain
c) Russia

4. This tall house has many flats, but no stairs. It’s ... .
a) a skyscraper
b) a tepee
c) a pueblo

5. What is NOT true about the White House?
a) The first US President lived in it.
b) American Presidents live in it with their children and pets.
c) It is visited by a lot of tourists.

6. Jeans were born in ... .
a) California
b) Atlanta
c) New Mexico

7. Coca-Cola was born in ... .
a) California
b) Atlanta
c) New Mexico

8. This city is not part of any state.
a) San Francisco
b) New York City
c) Washington, DC

9. American football is NOT ... .
a) played with an oval ball
b) played with hands
c) played by two teams with 10 players in each

10. Windsurfing was born in ... .
a) California
b) Atlanta
c) New Mexico

Английский язык. 5 класс. Учебник. Тер-Минасова.


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