
4. Read the definitions and the examples and guess the meaning of the words in bold.

Power [ˈpaʊə] n — control over others: magical power; physical power; natural power. In the times of King Arthur Merlin had magical power.
Ancient [ˈeɪn(t)ʃ(ə)nt] adj — very old: an ancient book, an ancient tradition, an ancient city. Ancient Celts believed that trees and plants had magical power.
To defend [dɪˈfend] v — to protect someone or something from attack. Russian people defended their country against the fascists in the Second World War.
A knight [naɪt] n — a man who could fight well in ancient times: Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur invited the best knights to Camelot. In ancient times knights fought at tournaments to show their courage.
A sword [sɔːd] n — a long knife. All knights had swords.
A pain [peɪn] n — feeling an ache: a stomach pain; a sharp pain; a sudden pain. Kate felt a pain in her heart.
To pain v — to hurt. It pains her to think about the war.

Английский язык. 6 класс. Учебник. Тер-Минасова.


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