7 класс / Английский язык / Комарова

Английский язык. 7 класс. Учебник. Комарова. Вопросы и задания.

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стр. 10. 5. Your voice. Ask and answer about types of music.
стр. 48. Listen and read. Then act out the sketch in groups. At school on monday morning.
стр. 48. Listen and read. Then act out the sketch in groups. At lunchtime.
стр. 48. Listen and read. Then act out the sketch in groups. In the street after school.
стр. 48. Listen and read. Then act out the sketch in groups. Saturday afternoon.
стр. 50. 1. Match the types of TV programmes with the pictures. Which two types are not in the pictures?
стр. 50. 3. Look at the TV listings. What kind of programmes are 1-6? What time are they on?
стр. 52. 1. Look at the example? Which verbs era irregular?
стр. 52. 2. Check me spelling rues on page 59 and the Irregular verbs list on page 167. Than write the past simple affirmative form of these verbs.
стр. 52. 3. Complete the text with the past simple affirmative of these verbs.
стр. 52. 4. Complete the text. Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets.
стр. 52. 5. Correct the sentences with the information in brackets. Write one negative and one affirmative sentence.
стр. 52. 6. Was and were are the past forms of be. What are they in your language?
стр. 52. 7. Complete the questions and answers. Use the correct form of was or were.
стр. 52. 8. Think of a famous actor from the past and answer to guess the actor.
стр. 52. Pronunciation: [d], [t] and [id]. a) Listen and repeat the past simple verbs. b) Listen and repeat these verbs. Add them to the table.
стр. 63. Lucky escape. A 15-year-old boy was recovering in hospital yesterday after he was struck by lightning in Wednesday's storms. Перевод.
стр. 64. 2. Write sentences. Use the past continuous affirmative.
стр. 64. 3. Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
стр. 103. 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
стр. 106. перевод. South Africa: the Rainbow Nation.
стр. 138. 1. Read the texts and name the points labelled А-I on the diagrams. Use the words in bold.
стр. 139. 3. Read the text about tsunamis. Say if sentences 1-6 are true or false.
◦ Напишите сообщение на английском языке «Музыка в моей жизни».
◦ Обзоры музыкальных альбомов
◦ Опишите любую картинку на ваш выбор в Present Continuous.
◦ Напишите небольшое сочинение на английском языке на тему «Традиции в моей семье» («Traditions in my family»).
◦ Напишите сообщение на английском языке на тему «Travelling in our life» («Путешествия в нашей жизни»).
◦ Напишите сообщение на английском языке про необычный общественный транспорт.
◦ Неправильные глаголы. Infinitive (неопределенная форма), Past simple (прошедшее время), Past participle (причастие прошедшего времени). Перевод.
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